Autumn is one of those times of the year when cameras come out by anyone who is even remotely interested in photography. With the wonderful colours on display, especially when sunlit, there seems to be a great picture opportunity in almost every direction.
My personal preference for autumn photography is the latter part of it, around the last week of October to the first week of November, where the leaves are almost off the trees and there is a great carpet of leaves on the ground.
For these photos we headed to a nearby lough which is surrounded by mature, indigenous woodland, perfect for Autumn photography.
I was joined by a few other photographers who, being principally natural light photographers, were keen to try flash in their photography. That’s not to say we ignored any great natural light picture opportunities during the day when they presented themselves, but we did try to concentrate on fill flash where ever possible. During a brief chat in our studio in the moring with some coffee, we discussed the principals and technicalities of using off-camera flash, especially relating to fill flash. With a mixture of Canon and Nikon users we opted for ttl flash control for the day to allow concentration on mixing ambient (available light) with flash.
I think its fair to say everyone left having overcome any fears of using flash, and with some fantastic photography from the day.
Our model was Maurade, runner up of this years Miss Northern Ireland, with make-up by Catherine Fleming MUA and hair styling by David Graham Hairdressing. We also brought along a collection of hats by Lady Hat Bag as they had asked me for some hat photography, so we used this opportunity to integrate them into the images.
Thanks to everyone involved in what was a great days photography.